Promises in Action
Promises in Action

Flashe paint on canvas

48x48 inches

Quarantine Time Love Emoji
Quarantine Time Love Emoji

Flashe paint on canvas

48x48 inches

When We Are Here Or There
When We Are Here Or There

Acrylic gouache on canvas

36x36 inches

Clocking the Demise of Duty
Clocking the Demise of Duty

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Rear View of Diligence and Passion
The Rear View of Diligence and Passion

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

Closer and Closer
Closer and Closer

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

Adventurer’s Diary
Adventurer’s Diary

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Aftermath of a Brilliant Thought
The Aftermath of a Brilliant Thought

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Way Emeralds Are Born
The Way Emeralds Are Born

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

Promises in Action
Quarantine Time Love Emoji
When We Are Here Or There
Clocking the Demise of Duty
The Rear View of Diligence and Passion
Closer and Closer
Adventurer’s Diary
The Aftermath of a Brilliant Thought
The Way Emeralds Are Born
Promises in Action

Flashe paint on canvas

48x48 inches

Quarantine Time Love Emoji

Flashe paint on canvas

48x48 inches

When We Are Here Or There

Acrylic gouache on canvas

36x36 inches

Clocking the Demise of Duty

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Rear View of Diligence and Passion

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

Closer and Closer

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

Adventurer’s Diary

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Aftermath of a Brilliant Thought

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

The Way Emeralds Are Born

Acrylic gouache on canvas

48x36 inches

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